International Journal of
Educational Technology in Higher Education
Codes |
Categories |
Themes |
Design |
Development |
Educational Technology |
Classroom |
Paper |
Approach |
Analysis |
Activities |
Research |
Knowledge |
Technology |
Education |
Innovation |
Digital |
Research |
Assessment |
Social education |
Teaching |
Learning |
Methods |
Models |
Study |
Students |
Online |
Process |
Course |
Strategies |
Using |
use |
Higher education |
University |
Social education |
Tools |
Models |
Assessment |
method used is content analysis, which enables the researcher to find out about
this specific phenomenon besides of what can be observed or sensed. Computer based
content analysis makes possible to reduce large volumes of data and being
systematic –a certain sequence of steps are followed- but at the same time
flexible –regarding to the coding frame. For the qualitative analysis of the
emerging themes, the abstract and titles of the articles of the journal were
analyzed using the text-mining tool. The result of this analysis is a set of
concept maps, where the concept frequency, the hierarchical order of appearance
and the proximity among concepts are visualized. Each thematic region is formed
based on the connectedness of concepts and is highlighted by the most relevant
concept in terms of frequency and connections (relational analysis). The
thematic analysis was conducted according to the three subsets of data. that is
use, development and learning. In this third and last period of the
analysis, learning is a major theme, followed by education
and development. The two other main topics are use
and results. University is present in the intersection
between learning and development and in the
theme education as higher education. Development and use gain
importance as themes, compared to other periods.
main theme is learning and around this topic we can identify
different aspects that are relevant in this context, like teaching (overlapping
word between learning and education), methods, strategies, course,
skills and students. In this period, therefore, learning
design and the elements around it are paramount, as can be seen from the
literature. The use of different social technologies, which is connected
to innovation in the same education theme, is
the bridge between the themes use and education. In this context,
studies around the social impact of the use of technologies in
the education field and the educational use of social
media appear again as relevant topics. Another topic that emerges from the map
is the use of virtual learning environments, which connects the
themes learning and use. In the part of the map where the
themes education and use overlap, educational
assessment is another relevant topic. In this sense, some studies
related to the use of e-assessment, performance assessment and teachers’ and
students’ assessment of the use of technologies appear. In this period
different educational research studies are developed, in many cases by carrying
out learning digital-based activities –e.g. in blended learning environments or
collaborative projects-, but not exclusively. The four concepts research, activities, digital,
and based are located in the overlapping area between
development and education. The minor theme in relevance here (results)
remains connected to the theme development via classroom
design, since its main approach is concerned with the evaluation of the
outcomes from the designed educational scenarios.
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